It still has some bugs (like not being able to stop RSessions) but it has tremendous auto-complete with context help. It came out of nowhere and quickly became the choice of a lot of people. But hey I am really amazed by this editor (and as you can see I like testing setups ).ĮDIT: I realize this thread is still being read by someone, so I definitely need to mention RStudio. If you don't care about the $45 for textmate, it's probably the most stable choice I tested so far. Recently I am about to switch to Textmate.
So you might wanna give it a chance too.ĮDIT: If you work on Mac Textmate with the corresponding R bundle might be interesting, too. I think it has lost some popularity because it wasn't to stable in the past, but at I feel it's much better now and it hardly crashes in my setup. I work on a Mac, but it should be easy to setup for Linux too.
Sending Code from editor to R works really well and the editor offers auto-completion for R-Code which is really nice – in particular if you are new to R. Now I use Komodo Edit with Sciviews-K and R64. At least for me auto completion of R-Code did not work with StatET. That being said I have a more exotic choice to offer that you might want to consider, if you like auto suggestion and pure syntax highlighting is not enough for you. If you are used to Eclipse, StatET (mentioned by mbq) is probably the right choice for you. easily extendable with othet Eclipse plugins (e.g.: spell checking, (SQL) database management, image viewer, running external programs like Sweave).Ī nice guide to read is A Guide to Eclipse and the R plug-in StatET by Longhow Lam.Roxygen support for literate programming (very handy at package development to automatically generate Rd files (manuals) from inline comments),.TeXlipse integrated to view and edit tex code with ease (LaTeX support for Eclipse),.you may define templates for frequent commands and those's environment (e.g.: loop, if conditions etc),.configurabled environments by default (e.g.: R scripts),.thanks to the script editor and running environment is heavily integrated, debuging and reviewing your code cannot be easier,.be able to run your code really fast and easily with comfigurable shortcuts (by Ctrl+r by default),.Why I really would suggest to take the time to learn use StatET efficiently (cauction: very subjective list!): The only handicap of this IDE could be the relatively high resources requirements as based on Java, but this makes the program OS independent of course. EmacsSpeaksStatistics (ESS), but as in other environments the user have to learn it's the basic usage first. I still need more time to really dig into it but I like what I'm seeing so far.Īlthough Eclipse was mentioned by the OP, I do not know if he ment it with the StatET plugin.Įclipse with StatET is a really great IDE besides e.g.
If I'm gushing, it's probably because I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the IDE after a long time of using sub-par IDEs, not just for R but for plenty of other languages. The company/development is moving pretty fast, aiming to be the de facto standard IDE for all R users. Extremely easy to get up and running, and it comes with packages for Debian/Ubuntu (which I use). Plotting requires not only no X tunneling or png-writing but is easier to use than out-of-the-box R.
Update : I've been running it for a bit on our DB server, and I love that it's a web app that saves your sessions, resume-able from anywhere else.
It's free software, is cross-platform, looks very polished, and even has features like automatic refactoring.
A newcomer to the scene, which IMO looks very promising - and downright baller - relative to other existing IDEs like Rattle and JGR, is RStudio.